About the comments that many people do, on these days, remembering the holocaust, I think that we are looking at the past, leaving the present and the future be destroied by the new, silent, not sectarian, universal, holocaust.
The new strategy doesn't need lagers anymore. It's everywhere
It's happening trough people with big responsibilities and power, that are destroing whole countries.
It's happening everywhere, with game addiction, with alcohol and drugs use, in schools, in familyes, even in companies, destroing whole societies.
When people become corrupted by this, they will be not able to ask for a corruption free society.
Looking at this, I understood the strategy of the new Holocaust:
The best way to win on your enemy, is to make it becomes as you are!
And if it's right, it is the same for the best. If you bring the light, you can transform darkness around you, and you win!
Do you agree?
All the best,
Angie :)
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