Founder & Organizations


Master Del Pe is a life mentor to many top leaders. His clients include many of the top Fortune 500 companies such as Sony, Colgate-Palmolive, IBM, Universities, and many non-for-profit organizations.


He is global expert in world cultures, world philosophies and world religions. He designed exclusive practical strategies to maximize higher level of consciousness, by developing 5 ascending level of intelligence.  As the creator of BEwell Science™ (no-touch healing system) and AMAYS™ (synthesis Martial Arts & Yoga Science), he is author of books, CDs and DVDs for self-mastery. He brought the fruits of his thirty-years research into practical, simple, fast, autonomous and easy-to-acquire, tools and programs with immediate benefits.


Founder and President of MDP BElife™, BElife Institute for Higher Consciousness (BIHC), Wisdom Institute for Leadership & Global Advancement (WILGA), World Institute for Incurable Diseases (WIID), and MDP Foundation™ (non-profit), he has taught more than 300.000 people in over 100 countries. Bio 


MDP BElife™, headquarted in Houston, Texas, USA, implements profit projects and programs, through 3 Institutes:

  • BElife Institute for Higher Consciousness (BIHC)
  • Wisdom Institute for Leadership & Global Advancement (WILGA)
  • World Institute for Incurable Diseases (WIID)

The 3 Institutes offer more than 200 programs, most of which are also recorded and available online at any time, bringing concrete and immediate solutions to self-improve the quality of daily life, accelerating the growth ahead of its time.

MDP Foundation™ actualizes non-profit projects for social benefit, professional training included, applying the strategies developed by BIHC, WILGA and WIID.



Mastering Life Ahead of Its Time


The BElife Institute for Higher Consciousness (BIHC) offers pioneering teachings that can concretely improve the quality of life and develop higher levels of consciousness, facilitating a quantum leap in terms of new philosophies, psychologies and practical strategies, to maximize one's potential, live a healthy life, more enlightened, and fulfilled.


It is structured in 12 departments of specialization, which also include certification programs for Facilitators, Coaches, Specialists and Trainers.




Developing Wisdom in Leadership and 

Conscience in Entrepreneurship 




A progressive world created by enlightened leaders with a good heart, a sharp mind, sustainable power and wisdom, bringing balanced material success and spiritual development in humanity which leads to breakthrough global advancement. 


  • To install conscience in entrepreneurship
  • To awaken wisdom in leadership
  • To cultivate the 5 levels of ascending intelligence in the 8 types of leaders.
  • To develop future leaders who will have a good heart, a sharp mind and sustainable power, embodying enlightened-leadership contributing to breakthrough global advancement.




Where Wisdom and Miracles Prolong Life


The World Institute for Incurable Diseases is the consequence of the striking results obtained in solving serious diseases, in some cases considered irreversible, thanks to the breakthrough strategies of the BEwell Science System, by Master Del Pe.


In the following videos, you can listen to testimonials from people healed online from COVID-19,  drug and alcohol addictions, HIV/AIDS, and a presentation on Diabetes Management Strategies .


Covid-19 Severe Case Healed Online

cleanLIFE wins on drug/alcohol addiction

Anti-HIV/AIDS Project in Africa

Diabetes Management Strategies

MDP Foundation


Serving Humanity and The World



The MDP Foundation is a non-sectarian and non-political 501 (c)(3) public charity.


Our mission is to improve quality of life and advance human consciousness through education and life skills development by synthesizing the best of eastern and modern philosophies.


We provide practical training and life coaching to professionals, families, youth and service organizations. Our programs are high impact, low cost, and easy to replicate. They implement non-pharmacological, holistic health and wellness solutions and offer fast results. 

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