Immagine: Particolare di Giustizia. Paolo Caliari detto il Veronese. Affresco del XVI secolo

Image: Detail of Justice. Paolo Caliari known as the Veronese. 16th century fresco

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Dati di riferimento

Persone fisiche

Angie Claire Testai

Cod. Fisc. TST NGL 60B69 G702Z



Tuscan Light Inc.

Houston, Tx 77316, USA (nuovo indirizzo in aggiornamento, grazie)

EIN: 46-5305624


Legal Informations

Terms of use and Conditions

The texts, information and other data published on, as well as links to other sites on the web are for informational purposes only and do not assume any official character. This site assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions of any kind and for any type of direct, indirect or accidental damage resulting from the reading or use of the information published, or any form of content present on the site or for access or the use of the material contained in other sites.


The contents of this site and our services do not replace consultations, visits, diagnoses and / or medical therapies.


 The owner of this site is registered in the list of not organized in orders and colleges professions, governed under the law January 14, 2013, No. 4 (G.U. 26 January 2013, No. 22) and subsequent amendments, with the n. TO936T-OP.


Reproduction, even partial, of the contents of any kind present on this site, and the teachings of the techniques, without prior written authorization by MDP BElife, by Master Del Pe, or by its licensees, is prohibited.


It is allowed sharing content via social media, e-mail, links and other methods that allow the recognition of the source. Thank you.

Referring Data


Angie Claire Testai

Cod. Fisc. TST NGL 60B69 G702Z



Tuscan Light Inc.

Houston, Tx 77316, USA (Upgrading a new address. Thanks)

EIN: 46-5305624