The 1st blog article of 2019 welcome Master Del Pe, the founder of BEwell Science, the system that 8 years ago helped me to come back from hell. So I decided to use it in order to facilitate transformations, improving the life quality, overcoming difficult situations, and accelerating growth ahead of its time.
Winston Churchill said: "Will-Power is the highest and most important quality in order to exprime all the others".
According with my experiences, I can just confirm. You need Will-Power to overcome difficulties, obstacles, to be yourself in front of the badest situations, to manage emotions, fear, anxiety, depression, aggressiveness, addictions. To overcome even life's tsunamis.
So, let's listen to Master Del Pe's advice to increase the Queen of Qualities with one of his typical solutions: Easy, Practical, Rapid, Autonomous Effective.

It is the New Year – 2019. A time for reflection. A time for new resolutions. A time to define and achieve your yearly goals, to improve relations and to discover new opportunities.
Will-Power and Vitality are the keys to speed and continuity of long-lasting performance. Without them, it is difficult to overcome obstacles, as we tend to
preserve the present and dwell on the obsolescence of the past.
Will-Power and Vitality are best expressed as follows:
- Will-Power is the 4-wheel drive to boost the power of performance and effectiveness in life. It is the dynamite that allows you to blast through great obstacles and difficulties.
- Will-Power is the pioneering force that opens and constructs your road to success where others have not gone before.
- Vitality is the fuel for greater performance
Many people usually start strong and enthusiastic, but their Will-Power runs short and their Vitality drops before finishing projects. What makes great champions and winners is not just the start of the game, but reaching the finishing post successfully. This is true in chess and in sports. It is also true in business performance and personal relationships. The winning edge and the ability to achieve great goals require extraordinary Vitality and sustained Will-Power.
Increase Your Will-Power and Vitality in 5 Minutes!

1. Squats (15 to 25 times daily): Inhale fully in the starting position. Then exhale completely as you squat down.
This exercise has many benefits. It increases Will-Power and mental focus. It also increases blood circulation and energy while pumping more oxygen and air prana into the body, thus improving metabolism.
2. Visualize Your Future. Then visualize your next path in life as a brilliant light, one kilometer or one mile ahead. Run fast with all your power towards that light, your positive and successful future - the greatest life that you deserve. Now, that you have reached the future, feel great and accomplished; feel successful and transformed.
May the incoming year offer you the greatest opportunity to grow not only materially, but also spiritually.
I wish you a healthy, fulfilled and prosperous 2019!
Love and Blessings,

Will-Power Development Program
DVD with 1 hour training to develop higher level of Will-Power. 35 USD. Online DOWNLOAD
Ask for a free 20 minutes skype consultation in order to receive a personalized program proposal.
About us

Master Del Pe.
Life & Spiritual Mentor to International Leaders. Founder at BElife Institute for Higher Consciousness (BIHC), American Institute for Leadership Advancement (AILA), MDP Foundation and MDP Village. Bio

Angie Claire.
Life Expert e Spiritual Mentor, Business Executive Coach, world-class expert on overcoming difficult situations and will-power development. Bio
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