Whatever is the nature of conflicts, forgiveness is one of the keys to living in peace and going into the future with a light heart. But if the pain is deep and the conflict is strong, we need time.
Here you will find:
A. Three strategies that I have already successfully tested several times, to forgive naturally, feel free, and light.
B. Autonomous tools for releasing pain, conflicts, and anger, and an online course to understand and heal the past causes at the root of conflicts and tensions.
When we do not forgive someone, when just thinking to someone we feel an internal tension, it means that we are still engaged in the struggle, or that there is an unresolved and suspended issue, even if we do not meet and talk to each other.
By forgiving we end the karma* that, even though we don't know, we had as a pending issue (otherwise the relationship would have been harmonious). Consequently, there are 2 possibilities:
- A. The relationship becomes fluid and positive.
- B. he relationship ends, everyone goes their own way, and that person has no longer influence in our life.
* Karma - The result of the actions performed by every living being in its path of evolution. It determines the future conditions, the life lessons to be learned and the debts to be paid, according to the universal laws of Equity and Justice. The best-known law among the karmic ones is the Cause-effect law, meaning "what we sow we harvest". It tells us that with every thought, emotion, action, and intention we have, we generate a future response that sooner or later, good or bad, will come back in our lives.

A. How To Forgive?
Although it is thought that the conflict can only be healed if both parties find an agreement and make peace, in fact, it is sufficient for the conflict to be healed by one of the parties to be resolved, as there can be no battle in a field in which both contenders are not present.
It can therefore be dissolved internally, by implementing a series of strategies, including mental communication with the person or people with whom we have the conflict, or who have engaged it towards us.
Let's see the procedure in 3 steps.
1. Good Will Meditation.
The best time is during the JustBE free meditation (see below), or as soon as you wake up, still calm and free from thoughts, every daily.
- A. Start with greetings and thanking those who have really helped you in life, and the people you care about.
- B. Then apologize to the people you hurt.
- C. Finally, talk to the people who have you, or who still hurt you, without blaming and judging them, and talk to them about how they made you feel. Then give them suggestions to make them better and imagine that they are putting them into practice. So you intend to forgive them mentally, so that all may be at peace, and all may be free. Do it simply, without forcing unconditional forgiveness, which will then come by itself.
- D. View conflicts and tensions as resolved, and see yourself happy and satisfied at the end of the day.
A few minutes of technique that can change many things.

2. Focus on Something Good.
Focus on something good about that person, something you can genuinely acknowledge, because everyone, even the worst human being, has at least one good thing.
When you think about that person, focus on what he/she has, or have done, good, letting go of the rest. And then you will see what happens inside and outside of you, over time. This is a great strategy that I have already tested several times with impressive results, well beyond my wildest expectations!
In a particularly difficult case, which had created struggles for years, after I applied this strategy, I not only felt inward that I had released the tension, but even when I met that person again she was moved and apologized in front of others. It ended with a warmly hug, and now that she's gone, I remember her fondly, and there's a sweet loving kindness between us (because death doesn't exist, but that's another article).

3. Saluting The Soul.
Every living being has a Soul, Higher Consciousness, or Higher Self. We are first of all a Spirit (or Monad) and through a Soul, we incarnate into a Personality (set of body, emotions, and logical thinking).
Where personalities fight, Souls agree. The enemies, Souls who have pending issues from previous lives, agree before they are born to make an appointment and hopefully resolve the karmic debts that are not yet concluded. The heaviest ones are often in families so that they cannot be evaded. Because we can change friends, but not our parents and relatives.
It is therefore very important to salute one's Soul, to become one with it, and then salute our "enemies" from Soul to Soul, where victim and executioner are unified.
For this specific technique, it is good to prepare yourself with a meditation that has been designed in order to activate and consolidate the connection with your Soul, of which I leave you the link at the bottom, in Tools.

NOTE. Will-Power.
As you apply these strategies it is very important to develop greater willpower to manage excessive emotionality and move forward. In any case, the three basic forces of Power, Love, and Light (or Creative Intelligence) must be balanced. In this way, it will be very difficult to allow someone to abuse ourselves, or to become the one abusing of others. Will Power is also the MUST HAVE of our challenging times, to overcome every adversity.
Finally, let's see some very useful TOOLS!
B. Useful Tools
In addition to what you have already read and you can immediately experience, I suggest you some tools of great importance in healing conflicts so that similar situations do not have to repeat themselves in the future, and so that you can maintain and increase your physical, vital, emotional, and mental balance, as well as your spiritual alignment.
- BOOK. Inner Powers. Text from which the Meditation of Forgiveness has been extrapolated, it is rich in contents and techniques for self-management, self-care, and self-development. 15 USD | DOWNLOAD (insert ANGIE10 discount coupon)
- Good Will MEDITATION. Quick meditation that harmonizes your ego with your soul and catalyzes you to build the right human relations with everyone in your life. 4,95 USD | DOWNLOAD (insert ANGIE10 discount coupon)
- JustBE Free MEDITATION. 20 minutes of self-healing to release tensions, traumas and their side effects, forgive and be forgiven. 9,00 USD | DOWNLOAD (insert ANGIE10 discount coupon)
- Namascar MEDITATION. 28 minutes to merge and align with one's Soul, to salute the Souls of masters and evolved beings, the Soul of loved ones, and of the people with whom we experience conflicts or tensions. 12 USD | DOWNLOAD (insert ANGIE10 discount coupon)
- DVD. Will Power Development. 1 hour | internal martial arts exercise videos for willpower development. 99,95 USD | DOWNLOAD (insert ANGIE10 discount coupon)
- WEBINAR. Heal Your Past. 3-hour recorded webinar where you will understand the principles behind every block, difficulty, and conflict, and a beautiful guided technique to heal everything that creates difficulties and tensions in your life. After repeating the practical 40 minutes blessings, you will see the changes in a few weeks. 100 USD | ORDER
- WEBINAR. Crisis Management Made Easy. Recorded webinar to learn how to heal and manage different types and levels of crisis. CONTACT ME for info and registration.
- One-To-One Online SESSIONS. 1 hour each, to accelerate the healing process of the past, transforming the present, and empowering the future. Dealing with particularly difficult situations, this sessions is empowered by the specialist energy healing protocol. ONLINE SESSIONS
- FREE CONSULTATION. 30 minutes, online or wapp call. Book now a free consultation without obligation to receive personalized advice and other online solutions available. CONTACTS | wapp +39 320 687 2452
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Angie Claire.
Life Expert e Spiritual Mentor, Business Executive Coach, world-class expert on overcoming difficult situations and will-power development. Bio
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